
3 ways to improve your English on holiday

//3 ways to improve your English on holiday

3 ways to improve your English on holiday

3 ways to improve your English on holiday


  1. Gamify your learning with apps

  2. Do you binge watch series? Do it in English!

  3. Go out there and talk to people

1. Gamify your learning with apps


Yes, apps. Instead of a new round of Candy Crush, open a language learning app instead. It will be fun, easy and, depending on the app, you get points, coins or even medals for your progress. 


You could challenge your friends to a vocabulary battle or just listen to some key phrases as you travel to your dream destination 🙂


Some of those language apps claim 5 minutes a day is enough to learn. So, if you have five minutes to spare, get your app today! 


Some of the most popular language learning apps include Babbel (paid, monthly subscription), Mosalingua (paid per language) or Duolingo (free if you accept commercials).


 Do you binge watch series? Do it in English!


Do you sometimes find yourself at the end of an episode and cannot switch it off? “Just one more” you’ll mumble to yourself. That’s official: you are a binge watcher! You and millions of people all over  the world.


Why not take advantage of it and learn some English as well? All Netflix series are available in a selection of languages. One click and your beloved series transforms and your favourite characters speak a new language! 


You don’t feel ready for the big leap? Start small:


  • watch something you’ve already seen. This way you’re familiar with the story and can focus on the language you hear.
  • use subtitles in your native language at first. It will be easier not to panic when you hear some new words.
  • episode after episode you’ll feel more at ease, then one day BIG BANG! you’ll be ready to change the subtitles to English. Awesome option to improve your syntax and spelling while enjoying your series 🙂


Get out there and talk to people!


This option involves no money or technology. Your cell phone in your pocket, speak English to people you meet on holiday. A Dutch family you meet on a sightseeing tour,  a group of students from Sweden you come across at the theme park, a person reading a book next to you at the hotel pool. 


Remember, all of them speak English as a second language, just like you. Talk about life, food and places to visit and enjoy the satisfaction of having a conversation in English without the help of a dictionary, translator or vocabulary app.


Tell us about your experience!


2019-07-04T12:56:04+00:00July 4th, 2019|Education/ Learning|Comments Off on 3 ways to improve your English on holiday